
Shopaholism In London

Shopaholism is a real problem today. It is characterised by an obsession with shopping.  And this obsession has reached his high point these days because of the fast fashion industries. The clothes and make up are getting cheaper and cheaper and give you a illusion you can afford all of them when the reality is you don’t. Because you end up buying more and more items at lower prices and while you think it won’t affect your budget you are wrong. At the end of the month you will be surprised to realise your bank account it’s empty, and you have nothing of value. The shopaholism is a real problem and especially among young ladies. They tend to spend all their monthly income on clothes and make up.

This is the case of my friend as well. She works as a make up artist in the a shop which is located in central London. And as you can imagine she has a lot of customers and so, her monthly income, it’s quite impressive. But, believe or not, at the end of the month, I don’t know how, she ends up with nothing. She always borrows money. And you get to ask yourself, how can this be possible.
Well, this happens, because she spends all her money on clothes and cosmetics. Every week she needs to add one cosmetic to her make up bag, either she needs or don’t. She just has to buy it. With the clothes is the same thing. Because she spends all her time in central London, where you have all the shops, she always had to buy new clothes. Some of the clothes never see the light, because she never gets to wear them. She just buys them. She can’t control it.
In order to solve this problem she needs to understand that she has a problem. She is obsessed in buying new things. I don’t know if she needs to buy them because she constantly sees them around her, or because she is trying to keep up with another friend of her who buys more than her. This friend of her, works as an escort at Cleopatra Escorts agency, but she is dating only rich men, who will spend some serious money to enjoy her company. And she has the same problem, everything she earns, she spends it on material things. I’m guessing they spend so easily this big amount of money on stupid things because they earn it as easily.

When you are a make up artist in central London you do make the money quite fast and easy. Being in the city centre you always have customers.

I think shopaholism should be recognised as a serious problem so people who are addicted to shopping can understand they need to e treated or at least they need to understand they are compulsive shoppers. If shopping is not a pleasure for you anymore and you shop because you are obsessed in having new things all the time then you are suffering from shopaholism.
You became addicted to shopping and like any addiction it must be treated. First understand the addiction and then try to take action so you can free yourself from this shopping addiction.